Training line 16 mm for medium dogs, beginner level
The training line is a very useful accessory for active dogs and their owners. The main advantage of Bura's training lead is the control of its length because what to do with fifteen meters of lead on the way to training? Well! Just fold it comfortably, clip it, and grab the convenient handle. :) Additionally, you can turn this fastening into a handle and have such a long lead as you want.
OK, nice, but can it be even more convenient? Of course! During training with the dog, you can grab the emergency handle at any time, which we made along the line, precisely distancing it from the dog by 1 meter. Such a handle will work great during training when the dog is exposed to additional distractions, and you need to catch it quickly. A regular lead could slip, and here's this wonderful convenience: D
We made the whole thing from waterproof honeycomb tape. So the tape is durable, soft, and elastic, easy to keep clean, and colorful. In addition, we added strong and functional fittings. The training lead is available in lengths of 5 m, 7 m, 10 m, and 15 m! and with a tape width of 16 mm, ideal for medium dogs that are just starting training. The carabiner is adjusted to the size of the dog: M (7.0 cm) – for medium dogs, e.g., Pug, Cocker Spaniel, Border Collie, Beagle, West Highland Terrier, Entlebucher.
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A training line for a dog - what is it?
A training line for a dog is an exceptionally useful gadget that can prove to be an invaluable tool for every pet owner, especially when there is no possibility of letting the dog off the leash, for example, during walks in open, unfamiliar terrain.
With a line length ranging from 5 to even 15 - 20 meters, dogs can freely explore the surroundings, sniff, track, and run, without posing a threat to people or other animals, while providing the owner with control over the animal's behavior.
The application of a training line for a dog is broad and depends on the owner's needs and the character of the pet. It is most commonly used during obedience training, especially for the "come" command. Its length allows the owner to control the behavior of the dog, which moves considerable distances, providing a sense of freedom and security.
A training line is particularly useful during the training of hunting dogs, which need to move freely in the woods or fields, tracking or catching game. The durable lead allows dogs to move freely and follow commands in natural conditions.
The lead is also an effective tool in leash training, especially for dogs that dislike movement restrictions. Thanks to its length, dogs can gradually get used to the leash, while the owner controls their behavior.
Additionally, it is helpful for fearful or traumatized dogs. It can aid in behavioral training, allowing the animal to move over a greater distance, providing a sense of security and the possibility of an immediate return to the owner. This is especially important for dogs afraid of open spaces, strangers, or other animals.
When choosing a training line for your dog, it's essential to consider factors such as the size and weight of the dog, the intended use of the lead, the type of terrain it will be used on, and the material from which it is made. The durability of the material against damage, abrasion, tension, and moisture resistance is crucial, as well as how the lead behaves during strong pulls. The type of fastening also matters; the carabiner should be sturdy and durable to withstand the training.
For large dogs, the training line should be longer and heavier than for small dogs. When it comes to leash training, it's best to choose a lead that is 5 to 10 meters long, while for running, tracking, and walks, a longer line will be more suitable.
Remember that the color of the training lead should be bright to facilitate the owner's quick location of their canine companion. So, if you want your dog to explore the environment freely during walks, a training lead will be an ideal solution.